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The Powers of the 12 Signs

Did you know that the 12 signs of the zodiac have something to teach us? Each of them holds a lesson that, after being learned, enables us to gain power. From there, understand the purpose of life as acquiring these 12 powers. When he achieves this, he will have graduated from Planet Earth school.

We all have the 12 signs in the birth chart and we are going to work each one of them in different areas of life. Signs are like the subjects we came to study. With this in mind, try to observe within yourself how the energy of each sign expresses. It is common for us to express many, if not all, signs through their low vibrations. And realizing this is the first step on the way to learning the sign's lesson and developing its power in us. Seek to be aware of what it is like to express the sign in a high way, as this is what we came to learn to really access its power. With this in mind, work on yourself, on your healing and inner reform process. That's what we came here to do, that's what we live for. We're not here for pleasure... we have a job to do. We have our homework, our daily practice. So, get to work, in the process of building your best version.


Aries, like all the signs of the fire element, contains within itself the flame of life, the motivation, something that lights us up and makes us want to.  In this case, it is the cardinal fire, the one that brings the desire to start something.


Aries energy can be understood as something that drives us to make a decision... it's when we decide where to go... it's when we decide what we're going to do. It's the power of initiative.


This energy is present every minute in our lives and is responsible for creating our future. With each decision, we take a step and create a path of possibilities derived from that step.


So Aries is responsible for leading the way. It is he who creates the path and leads the others. Hence his attributes of being courageous, independent and authentic.


Out of balance, this energy can be repressed in us, leaving us unsure of what to do or where to go. We are looking for someone else who can decide this for us... it's the fear of being alone.


Or even, this energy can be in excess, when we always want to have the power of decision and we end up imposing our will on others.


In either case, anger, frustration and aggression can be present.


We all have aries somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And notice your power to make your own decisions. Can you have the initiative? And does it make room for the other's initiatives?



Taurus is a sign of the earth element, linked to matter, to everything concrete, real and manifested. In this case, it is fixed land, related to our ability to build and materialize.


Taurus energy can be understood as something that makes us feel strong, capable, skilled. It is the awareness of our natural talents. We realize that we can build... and we understand that this gives us a role in the world.


This energy is responsible for the formation of our self-esteem, through the awareness of our value. We discover that we are valuable, we are important to the world, because we have a talent that is important to other people.


We all need to feel important beyond ego issues. This is genuine and part of the awareness that we are interdependent. We are a network and we need each other for the whole to work.


Within this context, we learn the value of things, that is, our value, the value of others and the value of available material resources and material goods that we build. When we learn to value, we learn to live in balance within the system and we achieve abundance.


When we repress the expression of bull energy, we may have low self-esteem, difficulty receiving, or feel uncomfortable having money. We are unable to charge fair value for our work, for example. And we cannot enjoy the pleasures of the 5 senses.


On the contrary, when bull energy is in excess, we can get too attached to everything we build, be afraid of change and exaggerate the pleasures of the 5 senses, with compulsions for food, consumption, sex and luxury.


We all have a bull somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And notice how your estimation of value on yourself, on the other and on material goods is. Have you learned to value what really matters?

To read more about bull, click here .


Gemini is an air element sign and as such is linked to our interaction with other people through the mind and communication. In this case it is the changeable air, which makes us change, grow, expand. This means that we become smarter as we exchange information with other people.


The energy of twins can be perceived through the curiosity to hear what the other has to say. It can be perceived through sociability, the willingness to speak and listen, the willingness to learn and teach... it is the willingness to exchange with others what we have within our private universe and absorb what the other has in their universe .


This energy is responsible for fueling us with enthusiasm and joy in living... because it is through exchange that our learning gains meaning... it is in sharing that life gains grace.


And so, as students from the same school, we exchange experiences and contribute to each other's learning.


When we repress the expression of twin energy, we can become shy, antisocial, introverted. This not only blocks our natural expression from manifesting itself, it represses our curiosity to know what the other can bring us. And, in this way, the exchange does not happen... and we stop increasing our intelligence and that of the other.


On the contrary, when we have an exaggerated expression of twins, we can misuse communication, through lies, gossip and complaints, for example. It would be an excess of curiosity... but a superficial curiosity, which will not contribute to our becoming more intelligent either...


We all have twins somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And notice how your curiosity is... Does it make you grow or shrink?



Cancer is a sign of the element of water, linked to our feelings. In this case it is the cardinal water, which forms our emotional basis. This is where we learn to feel.


Cancer energy can be perceived through emotional nourishment... It is nourishing energy, which wants to give love. It's like a mother, loving, sensitive to her child's needs, who wants to care for and protect.


Realize that this nurturing, nurturing mother energy is a basic need we all have. We need this place where we can relax and rest, because we know we are safe, with someone who loves us unconditionally.


And that's where the heart of the matter is! Cancer wants to teach us to be our own mother! Only we can meet our emotional needs for love, care, affection and attention. We cannot outsource something as important as being the source of our emotional well-being.


When we repress the cancer energy, we become eternal "children". We are yearning for someone who can give us the emotional security we need. This can make us feel victimized in all situations... and lead us to dramatize to get attention. Lack of cancer leads to lack and emotional weakness.


On the contrary, when we have an exaggerated expression of cancer, we can become very protective of the other, thinking that the other needs us to feel safe. In this case, see if you can let the other find their own strength and capacity to be independent... because too much protection can weaken the other.


We all have cancer somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And realize where your emotional security lies. Does it come from the attention you give yourself or does it depend on the attention of others?




Leo is a sign of the fire element and, as such, contains within itself the flame of life, the fuel that lights us up and makes us want to. In this case, it is the fixed fire, which brings the will to exist, to express itself and to be seen.


This is a primordial will of our spirit. He wants to express himself. And since we are light, our spirit wants to shine and lighten.


So lion wants us to learn to let our light shine. And this happens whenever we are spontaneous... Spontaneity arises when we have a strong connection with our essence... And spontaneity is passionate, captivating, it is light, which shines and inspires others.


We need to learn to see our own light... This is a beautiful process of discovery... Which leads us to truly fall in love with ourselves. And there is born a genuine admiration for ourselves and, consequently, self-esteem and self-confidence.


In the meantime, we can express the lion energy in a repressed way. Like when we don't want to be seen... we don't feel comfortable shining... we prefer to dim our light. And that unbalances the system, as we block our spirit from manifesting and still prevent other people from being illuminated by our light.


Or, we may want to be seen more than others. It's like needing to shine more to feel safe. It also blocks spontaneity and diminishes the glowing and inspiring function... as expression is forced to appear to be what it is not...


We all have a lion somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And notice how your desire to be seen is. Does it release or imprison your spontaneity?  

To read more about lion, click here .



Virgo is a sign of the earth element, linked to matter, to everything that is concrete, real and manifested. In this case it is the changing earth, which makes us change, grow and expand, through practice and daily improvement.


We can understand virgin energy as a desire to practice, to repeat, to do it a thousand times, in search of improving our talent and the product of our construction.


So virgin makes us to be meticulous, detail workers. It makes us be dedicated, because we do our job with love and we want to do the best we can. Virgo makes us orderly, systematic, and extremely practical. We create methods, we put them into practice, we observe judiciously, to see what works, what makes sense, what is useful. From there, we cut what is not necessary, we make changes, we adapt. And so we are changing, polishing, perfecting ourselves. And so we are improving things around us.


When we repress the expression of virgin energy, we can do things carelessly, carelessly, carelessly, and carelessly. It comes from a disconnect with ourselves and a lack of love for what we're doing. And the result is that we won't be able to improve ourselves. We're going to be stagnant.


On the contrary, when we have an exaggerated virgin expression, we can become overly critical and perfectionist. And then we get into that place where we never think we're good enough... we overcharge ourselves... we take too long to put it into practice because we don't think we're ready. It's a terrible fear of making mistakes! Need for control... But making mistakes is part of the process of learning and evolving! Those who do not allow themselves to make mistakes also end up stagnating.


We all have a virgin somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And notice how your desire to be better every day is. Does it make you advance or stagnate?

To read more about virgin, click here .


Libra is an air element sign, linked to our interaction with other people through the mind. In this case, it is about the cardinal air, in which we form our way of living with each other and forming partnerships.


Understand partnership as any collaborative relationship that seeks a common goal. The basis of all union is that we have the same purpose. This is the essential ingredient for us to be trustworthy. If you know that our purpose is important to me, you will have confidence that I will be by your side to build it.


Thus, in libra we form partnerships. We join forces to multiply results. Together we can go further! And more than that: Now, my actions start contributing to someone else's life. This brings new meaning to my life.


How do we act when we gain pound power and learn to partner? We are kind, diplomatic, we listen to what the other has to say, and we seek a balance between my needs and those of the other. Therefore, libra brings an energy of conciliation, lightness, balance, justice and harmony.


Out of balance, this energy can be repressed in us, leaving us insecure about partnerships. It's like having a fear that the other might let us down. And then we didn't really open up to unity and preferred to keep our independence preserved.


Or even, this energy can be in excess, when we want to always have someone by our side to share our lives. We become dependent on each other. We can even put ourselves in the background when we compromise too much and have a hard time saying no.


We all have libras somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And notice how your partnerships are. Are both contributing equally to getting in the same direction?

To read more about the pound, click here .




Scorpio is a water element sign, linked to our feelings. In this case, it is fixed water, where we deepen the feeling. It is here that we learn to engage with each other and with life. This is where we learn to love.


The act of getting involved with something is like mixing with that something... there is a fusion process... and that becomes part of us. Thus, the bonds that connect us are created.


Everything I love is part of me... it's with me and always goes with me.


Everything I love is what gives meaning to my life. We live for everything we love.


The big challenge on the way to learning to love is attachment. The desire to hold the object of our love with us makes us unbalance the scorpion energy. Because we start to be afraid of the end... It's the fear of matches. And the vibration of fear prevents us from accessing the vibration of love.


Whoever loves with fear, doesn't really love. You are experiencing the feeling of attachment... which is turbulent and painful to feel.


The solution to getting rid of fear is to understand the impermanence of life. And that comes when we learn to bless the games, because we know the end doesn't exist. The bonds are eternal and the movements that separate them are the same ones that unite further on.


Out of balance, the scorpion energy can be repressed in us. This happens when we choose not to get involved. We think we are in control of the situation by not loving the other.


Or, this energy can be in excess... as when we are excessively intense, leading to obsession, jealousy, possessiveness and control.


We all have scorpions somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And notice how you express your love. Does your heart dominate you, is it dominated by you, or is it free and light to love?

To read more about scorpion, click here .


Sagittarius is a sign of the fire element and changeable rhythm. Fire is motivation. It's the fuel that lights us up and makes us want to. And changeable is to change, to grow and expand.


So sagittarius is wanting to go, to explore. He wants to know more and more. It is the explorer adventurer. Always looking for movement, to accumulate more experience. He throws his arrow and chases it towards the new.


The purpose of Sagittarius is to promote the expansion of our consciousness. For this, he brings the flame of the philosophical questioner. This means that there is a purpose to your adventure. He explores life in search of something bigger. Something that makes you grow and acquire wisdom. Something that gives meaning to your life.


At one point, a Sagittarius shoots his arrow at something that makes him feel deep inspiration. This makes him passionately follow this direction, to absorb everything he can about this new universe that has unfolded for him.


The more he walks, the more experience he gets. And this makes him transmit his knowledge and contribute to the expansion of collective consciousness.


Out of balance, we can get a repressed sagittarius expression. As when we lose the larger purpose within our adventure and allow ourselves to excess in experimentation. We ended up living several experiences that lead us nowhere.


Or, we can end up with an exaggerated expression of this sign, leading to fanaticism, intellectual arrogance and a tendency to want to indoctrinate the other with our philosophies of life.


We all have Sagittarius somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And notice how your life experiences contribute to expanding the collective consciousness. Do they make others move forward or backward?

To read more about Sagittarius, click here .


Capricorn is an earth element and cardinal rhythm sign. Earth is connected to everything that is concrete, real and manifested. And cardinal is the beginning. Therefore, here we form the bases that support our way of building and materializing. And this mode is made up of some pillars.


We need to define what we want to build. Then plan the steps to get there and then make a commitment to the process.


On this path, difficulties will certainly appear that will put our commitment to the test. As we learn to deal with these challenges, we mature. Thus, Capricorn teaches us to mature, to be responsible and to take seriously the actions necessary to reach our goal. Over time, we are gaining muscle to overcome adversity. And we're getting more tolerant and patient.


When we conquer the power of Capricorn, we become capable of materializing great things, as we acquire its qualities, of being responsible, committed, focused and disciplined.


Out of balance, this energy can be repressed in us, as when we cannot make commitments. We don't follow through... we procrastinate... We think it's all too heavy... too difficult... We've done a little bit and already think we've done a lot and that's enough for today.


Or, this energy can be exaggerated, when we are workaholic, demanding an excess of productivity and not allowing us to rest. We do a lot and, even so, we always think we can do a little more. We need to feel that we are getting the most out of it. And we went on until fatigue.


We all have Capricorns somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And notice your maturity and commitment. Can you give your best in a balanced and sustainable way?

To read more about Capricorn, click here .




Aquarius is a sign of the element of air and fixed rhythm. Air is interaction with other people through the mind. And fixed is to firm, fix, maintain, stabilize. In Aquarium we integrate with the collective and participate in society.


Aquarius has a questioning drive. It is the vigilante questioner. He truly cares about people and fights for their ideals of equality, freedom and collectivity. He questions the way we live and feels indignation when something goes wrong.


Aquarius promotes actions that cause social impact. He uses his intelligence on behalf of the collective, to educate, raise awareness and free as many people as possible.


The aquarium energy is responsible for bringing evolution. It is a revolutionary energy that wants humanity to prosper, the environment to prosper and everyone has the same conditions to develop.


In imbalance, the aquarium energy can be repressed in us. Like when we lose the ability to get angry. We accept the world as it is. We stopped caring about inequalities... and ended up getting used to living under the reins of the system.


Or, this energy can be exacerbated in us when we become overly reactive. We attack to defend ourselves because we feel wronged. And so, we end up becoming unfair to each other.


We all have an aquarium somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And notice your ability to be indignant with injustice, inequality, lies and manipulation. Are you resigned, are you hyper-reactive or do you have the right ingredient that makes you think of solutions for the good of all?  

To read more about aquarium, click here .



Pisces is a sign of the water element and changing rhythm. Water is related to our feelings and changeable is to change, to grow and expand. In fish we become emotionally involved with the collective and we are sensitized to what the other is feeling. This makes us evolve, through collaboration and union.


Realize the energy of fish through empathy and compassion. It is the ability to be moved by the experiences of others. It is unconditional love. And this is the greatest force that exists in the universe. It is a fusion force that connects and strengthens us.


Unconditional love is the basis for the functioning of the universe. And cultivating love is caring for others. There can be no selfishness.


Collaboration is a key ingredient for humanity to thrive. Without collaboration there is no complexity. And we are a complex system. We need each other, each doing their part, with the purpose of the good of all.


In imbalance we can express fish energy in a repressed way, as when we do not feel empathy. We don't see each other. In this case we become individuals who function only for themselves. And that's an anomaly. This degrades the system and threatens the total existence.


Or, we can express the energy of fish in an exaggerated way, such as when we are overly compassionate and end up becoming permissive with situations of abuse.


We all have fish somewhere in the birth chart. Observe yourself! And notice your ability to be moved by what the other is feeling. Is she contributing to taking care of both your well-being and that of others?

To read more about fish, click here .

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